175 Latrines – Guatemala

The Project
  • 175 latrines, one for each of 175 families, in the village of La Majada, San Jacinto.
  • This would include every family home in La Majada that is not financially capable of building their own. Cost per each latrine $450 USD.
  • Each latrine consists of an enclosed toilet and a covered septic hole (see pictures).
  • Construction will be the same as the previous ones we built in Los Lomas.
  • The Durman pit latrines have a shelf life of 30 years
  • Education and health/hygiene training is provided to the villagers as part of the project.
BENEFITS: There are substantial benefits to the villagers mainly in:
  • Health and hygiene improvements
  • Reduce water contamination and stench
  • Personal dignity
  • Reduces social stigma that families suffer when they don’t have a proper latrine.
Over 1,200 people (approximately 7 people per family), will benefit from this project. The City of San Jacinto oversees this community and have proven to be successful in making these latrines work in the villages. They have a strong desire to ensure reduced levels of sickness through good follow-up on hygiene practices.